All client programs are remote - meaning you can get great results from anywhere with a personal coach in your pocket. I offer both custom performance training and injury rehab programs based on your specific needs in addition to pre-made programs - including the best-selling BREAKING GAINZ FOREVER program.
Not sure where to start? Fill out the inquiry form below to apply for training and we can discuss the best option for you.

All live training programs provide you with direct access to your coach.
All live training programs are delivered through the free TRAINHEROIC app direct to your phone.
Detailed video instruction of every single exercise throughout the program.
Data-driven workout log to monitor progress, powered by the free TrainHeroic app.
Reach your fitness and performance goals with custom performance training or injury rehab.
Whether you are frustrated with a lack of progress or struggling to overcome an injury this is the right place for you.
Apply for online coaching today by filling out the form below.
The BREAKING GAINZ FOREVER program is an intermediate to advanced level muscle, strength, and fitness builder.
This program is designed to get YOU stronger in the big lifts that you want to develop, to build full-body muscle, and to increase fitness and work capacity so you're ready for anything.
New meso-cycles start every 8 weeks but you can join anytime.
"I was hesitant to step into a gym without a gym buddy... I never had this type of structure/gym plan/confidence. With this program and app, I walk right in and get to work! Having the plan at my fingertips saves me so much time. I love seeing my progression throughout the cycles. I SAFELY progressed to 1 plate for squat max without injuries! I used to always stick to weights that I was comfortable with. Seeing "increase load from last week" is so helpful. I get to push my trained body to a new limit. I'm so proud of my hard work in the gym and in love with what I see in the mirror."
"I'm starting to see real gains in my legs, which is typically not where I grow. This program really helps level the field for complete growth. Body feels good and strength is improving."
"BGZ is awesome. It’s easy to follow, the workouts are challenging, and the programming has made me stronger! I hit 200 pounds on both squat and deadlift, I haven't been able to do that in years. I love using the Train Heroic app and the length of the workouts are the perfect length to complete in the morning before work. Looking forward to BGZ 5!"

Here's a sneak peek at what's on the menu TODAY for BREAKING GAINZ
Choose your own big lifts and insert them into this progressive strength program.
Get stronger from week to week as you pack on muscle and improve work capacity.
Train with me and the BREAKING GAINZ team from anywhere in the world.
Required Equipment:
Barbell and plates // Dumbbells // Rack // Bench // Bands and/or cables
*Plate-loaded machines are a HUGE plus, but are not required*